Incidentally, the internet went out yesterday evening just as I finished this post, so my apologies for the tardiness. Here you have it.
I survived my second class, and so excited to get the ball rolling! One of our grade requirements is that we complete 20+ service hours. I'm signed up to do meal prep for an event called Alpha Courses that are hosted by St. Aldates church. Each week, people with the course and church extend an invitation to dinner and discussion for anyone (Christian, Jewish, Agnostic, what have you) who would like to ask questions and talk about the Christian faith. It's supposed to be really deep and powerful. What an awesome ministry, and I am so anxious to be a part of the cooking team! I don't think it would hurt to improve my cooking skills either. Ha.
Today was perfect. The main cause of this was probably due to the run I took through Oxford this afternoon. Yes, Mom, I was very careful when crossing streets, don't worry. 45 degrees is prime running condition for me- warm, but cool enough that I don't get drained quickly.. as opposed to Texas summers. Killer. For an hour, I trotted around a generous chunk of the city. The most interesting part? This time, I didn't feel like an American. I was alone, quiet, dressed in mostly black, didn't stare at anyone, and was thus treated as a Brit. People changed their paths for me, as opposed to the times they had blatantly indicated that they expected ME to do so. Cars noticed me waiting to cross and actually stopped for me. For one blissful hour, I fit in. I was in the English world, free from comments stemming from the stereotypical baggage I normally feel as a burden.
Cailee and Kelly made dinner for our floor tonight - almond chicken. I cannot say enough how happy it made my tummy. I'm five. :]
A group of us are going to Bath for part of the weekend! Super pumped to spend more time having fun with everyone, as opposed to the antisocial homework mode I've been in since dinner. Should be a nice adventure.
I know I haven't posted any pictures. I'll try to get on that soon. Tomorrow is my last day of class for the week (only Monday through Wednesday?), and I feel so spoiled with my schedule. So maybe I'll do it then.
Off to bed to continue my British adventure. All my love.
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